misty virtuous

Boone B. Minna uoba na proculiani.pl
Pátek Leden 12 06:14:59 CET 2007

On the server, you do the coding to handle the XMLHttpRequest call, and to return an appropriate response, such as XML.
Since the analysis can be done only oncefor any particular state, the save, restore,and refresh subcommands are provided as a means toreestablish a state, modify that state, and retry the analysis.
TheJSF component is packaged with the application bundle and accesseddirectly.
Take a test drive, create an account, start running jobs, and get your results! Run the analysis using the analyze -v subcommandand repeat the above step. NET Developer's Journal - . It specifies that the value of anentity might be changed or referenced by means other than Fortran.
Furthermore, Ajax requires no compromises in terms of browser features or environmental setup. Next week, Mark Herring chats with Sun VP Juan Carlos Soto about Startup Essentials, a program that gives qualifying startups big discounts on Sun systems, software, and services.
This article will show you how.
The client updates the HTML DOM representing the page with the new data. Meike shows off the Sun SPOT, part of an ongoing research project at Sun Labs.
You can incorporate these technologies into a web application in a variety of ways. covers, asserts that agiven lock protects another lock; this is used for hierarchicallocking schemes. If everyupdate action needs to halt and synchronize all the participatingthreads, it will reduce the parallel computing efficiencysignificantly.
Make a request to the server through the XMLHttpRequest object.
These two technologies are Project jMakiand Project Dynamic Faces.
This month we have a great collection of tools and resources, especially selected for students and beginning developers. Let's say after the first phase of collection, thepartitioning program needs to fine-tune and shuffle some objectsfrom a group container to another group container as shown in thecode below.
But a data race condition tends toproduce wrong values of the critical variable in an unpredictableway and makes the programmer confused about the program behavior. A race condition could be the symptom of deeper design problems.
Make assertions about locks protecting functions andvariables using the assert subcommand.
Itis important for programmers to be aware of these land mines beforethey step into the dangerous parallel programming zone. Or you can create custom JavaServer Faces components to handle server-side processing as well as encapsulate the JavaScript technology and CSS for client-side processing.
"The presentations are literally being honed as each round takes place," says Berlind. In fact, a library of AJAX-enabled custom JavaServer Faces components is already available as part of the Java Blueprints Solutions Catalog. A Java Servlet on the server side responds to the Ajaxrequest.
This paper introduces a new tool that aims to simplify the process of performance analysis. If there is another thread operating on theobjects in parallel, it may miss the target objects because they arehomeless at the critical time. That path through the function is said to acquire thelock as a side effect. LockLint OverviewIn the multithreading model, a process consists of one ormore threads of control that share a common address space and mostother process resources. Also this week, Greg Posten, SDNtv's Geek Gadget Guru, chats with Roger Meike, senior director at SunLabs.
For example, the function is an entry point for alibrary that is also called from within the library. covers, asserts that agiven lock protects another lock; this is used for hierarchicallocking schemes. TheJSF component is packaged with the application bundle and accesseddirectly.
Called the Simple Performance Optimisation Tool, SPOT is an add-on package to Sun Studio 11 for UltraSPARC based systems. However, there is not alwaysa one-to-one correspondence between the two.

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