Are you sure that you have enough size?

Basse Morten Jeevaratnam na
Sobota Leden 20 15:28:16 CET 2007

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the more I read--that the people writing those articles were not saying what
they had really wanted to say and that this was the cause of their fury. And
then came the third stage--fear. Don't misunderstand me, I was not afraid of
the articles ; I was afraid of something else which had  nothing  to do with
them or with my  novel. I started, for instance, to be afraid of the dark. I
was reaching the stage of mental derangement. I felt, especially just before
going  to  sleep, that  some  very  cold, supple  octopus was fastening  its
tentacles round my heart. I had to sleep with the light on.
     'My  beloved had changed too. I told her nothing about the octopus, of
course, but she saw that something was wrong with me. She lost weight,  grew

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