Karel Zak zakkr na
Čtvrtek Srpen 10 07:41:37 CEST 2000

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Martin Beran wrote:

> Ahoj,
> muze mi nekdo vysvetlit, co znamena ta zkratka MYSQL?
> Diky, Martin.
 muze mi nekdo vysvetlit, proc si to dotycny nemuze na webu najit?
 Diky, Karel.

 PS. abych nebyl tak jedovaty (i kdyz je to v manualu k MySQL...)

 1.3 History of MySQL

   We once started off with the intention of using mSQL to connect to our
   tables using our own fast low-level (ISAM) routines. However, after
   some testing we came to the conclusion that mSQL was not fast enough
   or flexible enough for our needs. This resulted in a new SQL interface
   to our database but with almost the same API interface as mSQL. This
   API was chosen to ease porting of third-party code.

   The derivation of the name MySQL is not perfectly clear. Our base
   directory and a large number of our libraries and tools have had the
   prefix "my" for well over 10 years. However, Monty's daughter (some
   years younger) is also named My. So which of the two gave its name to
   MySQL is still a mystery, even for us.

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