you have to experience this tk

Rod Rainey eitih na
Neděle Prosinec 10 21:00:50 CET 2006

Hey Catalina

Been a long time, anyways just wanted to drop in a line and tell ya bout this new Co I just found

This one is called Northeast Development Corp, Inc, its symbol is at NHVP.
The company is currently at 6 cents a share, Doubt it will there long.

The Real Estate Development sector has now bottomed out and can result in Phenomenal Returns

Reason I am sending you this email now is because they are expected to come out with huge news come monday / tuesday and when that happens the 6 cents will be history. Take a Look buddy you dont wanna sit out this one. They have already received funding and its already in the works

Suggest you get in NHVP come monday 

Keep in mind no investment is 100% safe but the risk reward ratio on NHVP is phenomenal

Anyways I gotta run.
Hope you're doing well
Take care 


Several thousand GOP supporters cheered Bush as he strode into the darkened Springfield Exposition Center where volunteers handed out signs that said "Cards fans for Talent" -- a reference to the St. Louis Cardinals' World Series victory. Oyler "adamantly denies involvement in this fire and in any of these fires," attorney Mark McDonald said outside court. "He's very distraught and scared ... The finger is pointing at him." "I knew that they were going to find him. I'd been praying about it," Brenda Zimmerman told CBS's "The Early Show" on Friday, before her brother Jason McKay's funeral. Violence against Iraqis has grown unabated in the past month, with more than 1,300 killed since October 1. Fearing more bloodshed after Sunday's expected announcement of a verdict in the trial of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, Iraq's defense minister has canceled leave for all army officers. Small planes could previously fly below 1,100 feet along the river without filing flight plans or checking in with air traffic control. The FAA said the rule change -- a temporary one -- was made for safety reasons. "If they say they want to win the war on terror, but call for America to pull out of what al Qaeda says is the central front in this war, ask them this question: 'What's your plan?' " Bush said at a rally for Missouri Sen. Jim Talent, who is seeking re-election in one of the tightest races in the nation. (Watch how Bush is picking his election battles -- 1:36 ) Authorities were trying to determine whether Oyler has any links to at least 40 fires in the area since May, according to an official involved in the investigation who spoke on condition of anonymity because the case is continuing. "If they say they want to win the war on terror, but call for America to pull out of what al Qaeda says is the central front in this war, ask them this question: 'What's your plan?' " Bush said at a rally for Missouri Sen. Jim Talent, who is seeking re-election in one of the tightest races in the nation. (Watch how Bush is picking !
 his elec
tion battles -- 1:36 ) If the pilot used the full width of the river to turn, he would have had 2,100 feet, the NTSB said. Instead, the pilot was flying closer to the middle of the river, leaving a smaller margin for error, the staff report said. McKay's funeral in Victorville was the first for the five U.S. Forest Service firefighters who were overrun by flames October 26 in Southern California's San Jacinto Mountains. "This arrest really does help with some of the closure, the healing that we in the Forest Service community, and in the families, need," said Jeanne Wade Evans, the San Bernardino National Forest supervisor. A light wind was cited by federal investigators Friday for blowing a small airplane carrying Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle off course and into a New York City high-rise on October 11. McKay's funeral in Victorville was the first for the five U.S. Forest Service firefighters who were overrun by flames October 26 in Southern California's San Jacinto Mountains. Last week's fire was stoked by Santa Ana winds as it swept southwest through the mountains about 90 miles east of Los Angeles. The flames overran the fire crew, destroyed 34 homes and charred more than 60 square miles before being contained Monday. 

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