Have no profane

Clair Anaya profane na angrarock.com
Středa Listopad 1 06:28:28 CET 2006

B_M_S_N_._O_B could prove to be one of the BIGGEST stem cell stock plays
for the month of November! Why?

Company: Bio-Matrix Scientific Group, Inc.
Ticker: B-M-S-N
Current Price:  $1.50
Wednesday Target Price:  $1.85
Best Case Scenario: $2.15
Recommendation: STRONG-BUY
Price Increase Expec: Max
Investment Risk: Low 

Bio-Matrix Scientific Group Inc.
No controversy with stem cells from fat or cord blood.

Adult stem cell biotechs: better prospects, less controversy
Any minute BMSN's facility will get clearance to open!
This will be an incredible moment.

This News was released
Bio-Matrix Scientific Group Inc.
Processing Laboratory Nearing Completion
(Go to yahoo or any financial site to read this news now)

We could be looking at something absolutely incredible
about to take place.

The CEO has stated that as far as he knows this will be the first
Stem Cell from fat storage facility. They will also store cord
blood. This will be a major moment for BMSN. Everyone will have
the opportunity to store Adult Stem Cells from fat and cord blood.
Go to MSNBC and put in Adult Stem Cells from Fat. Look at the
miracles taking place. No controversy. No destroying embryos.
This is incredible. Watch this Company like a hawk. Low float
company. Could be a major mover. 

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