Go condemn the presuppose

Maggie Bray gquadrillion na bellsouth.net
Středa Listopad 22 22:18:18 CET 2006

Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today (from Alice in Wonderland) This may be attributed to Benjamin Franklin You will not rise to the occasion, you will default to the level of your training It's a good horse that never stumbles But an unwatched kettle over boils!
Making a rod for your own back A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush What you see is what you get
Alternative: Treat 'im rough, you get you muff--Ali G Alternately, If it ain't broke, don't fix it It's not the size of the boat The best way to get someone to stop digging his heels in is to dig out the sand around him
Water, water everywherebut not a drop to drink Possible Interpretation: Good at everything, excellent at nothing Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas All hat and no cattle The road to hell is paved with good intentions Example: When our car ran out of gas, we were up a creek without a paddle
All for one and one for all From "The Three Muscuteers" of Alexandre Dumas pere Idle hands are the devil's playthings If you can't join them, beat them Like cures like
Northern English, Anything for nothing You can take a horse to water, but a pencil must lead But an unwatched kettle over boils! Give and ye shall receive - Jesus Christ From The Mourning Bride, act i, scene i, by William Congreve

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