weighty enormous up-grade on important statement ub

Lymanp Eason suggestibleyu na stinger.com
Sobota Říjen 28 00:24:25 CEST 2006

Hey Kerri
This is for Tuesday Fri, 27 Oct 2006 23:24:25 +0100

Been a long time, anyways just wanted to drop in a line and tell ya bout this new Co I just found

This one is called Apparel Manufacturing Associates, Inc, its symbol is at APPM.
The company is currently at 10 cents a share, Doubt it will there long.

Basically they are a designer company and they are focused in the arena of all that is "Fashionable". Be it the latest "Trend" in fashion, the latest "Sound" in music or that "Must Have"/"Status Symbol" accessory. They span the globe searching and researching each industry, looking for those missing pieces of the fashion and music puzzle. All while keeping an eye on the bottom line.

Reason I am sending you this email now is because they are expected to come out with huge news come monday / tuesday and when that happens the 10 cents will be history. Take a Look buddy you dont wanna sit out this one.

Suggest you get in APPM come monday 

Keep in mind no investment is 100% safe but the risk reward ratio on APPM is phenomenal

Anyways I gotta run.
Hope you're doing well
Take care 


Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. We hung them out to dry.  A place in the sun.   The silly season.   Sturdy as an oak.   Sweet as apple pie.   Treat him like dirt. Your in hot water. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.  Survival of the fittest.   The scum of the earth.   When you get lemons, make lemonade.(When life gives you scraps make quilts.) Tastes like chicken.   Read the tea leaves. Spring to mind.   

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