Caldera's Linux to Get NetWare Services

Petr Snajdr snajdr na
Pátek Říjen 11 02:45:37 CEST 1996

Caldera's Linux to Get NetWare Services (10/10/96)
  By Sharon Fisher, CommunicationsWeek

  Users of a particular variant of Unix soon will have access to various
  NetWare services through an agreement between Novell and Caldera Inc.,
  which has strong ties to Novell.

  The companies, both based in Orem, Utah, announced this week that
  Caldera would license Novell's Cross-Platform Services technology for
  use in Caldera's implementation of the Linux version of the Unix

  Cross-Platform Services include Novell Directory Services and
  NetWare-compatible file and print services. Other licensees of
  Cross-Platform Services include Hewlett-Packard Co. and Santa Cruz
  Operation Inc., both of which also intend to provide NetWare services

  The groups most likely to be interested in the announcement are
  universities, because of their wide use of Linux, and low-end vertical
  developers, who might otherwise develop for SCO Unix but are attracted
  by Linux' lower cost, said Phil Johnson, program director on the Unix
  server environment program for International Data Corp., a Framingham,
  Mass., consultancy.

  Caldera was founded by a number of former Novell executives and is
  funded by former Novell president, chairman and CEO Ray Noorda, which
  was probably a factor in the company's decision, acknowledged Marc
  Epstein, vice president and general manager for Novell's network

  Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

  "It's a win-win for both firms," said Frank Dzubeck, president of
  Communication Network Architects, a Washington consultancy. "It'll
  Novell in the sense that anything to create more credibility for
Novell is
  better. In Caldera's sense, it expands their reach and develops more
  situations for them."

  Linux is a freely available version of Unix; Caldera sells a supported
  version with additional utilities and functionality.

  Caldera expects to ship NetWare services next year for an undisclosed
  price. The company did not respond to inquiries.

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    Petr Snajdr
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| "OS/2 is destined to be a very important piece of software.  |
| During the next 10 years, millions of programmers and users  |
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