rm; was: Re: Imutable bit

Peter Kundrat kundrat na napri.sk
Sobota Srpen 2 12:57:20 CEST 1997

On Aug 2, Jan Prikryl wrote
> |                                                       ...  There-
> |        fore,  if an alias is defined for the word foo, alias sub-
> |        stitution may be avoided by quoting part of the word, e.g.
> |        \foo.   But  there  is  nothing  to prevent an alias being
> |        defined for \foo as well. ...
> To same mi jde i v tcsh a bashi, ale v jejich manualech jsem to
> popsane nenasel.

Man bash neuvadza priklad, ale spomina sa tam:
		The first word of each command, if unquoted, is checked  to  see  if it
		has an alias.   If  so,  that word is replaced by the text of the alias. 
V bash a tcsh nadefinovanie \foo nepomaha (akekolvek quotovanie zabranuje 
expanzii aliasov).  V zsh sice alias \foo pomoze na variantu \foo, ale 
nepokryje to ostatne kombinacie (f\oo, fo\o, 'foo'  ... ).

kundrat na napri.sk,  Peter KUNDRAT,  http://www.napri.sk/~kundrat/
** Hawkeye's Conclusion:
** 	It's not easy to play the clown when you've got to run the whole
** 	circus.

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