Pridat rpm

Jan Havlicek havlicek na
Úterý Prosinec 9 11:25:47 CET 1997

Jiri Sachl ing. wrote:
> Zdravim,
> lze do nainstalovanych RH 4.2 cestou ftp pridat nejaky rpm balik (
> nevim presne jak se jmenuje, ale vim co by v nem melo byt ) . Musi to
> byt zase cesta instalace ftp serverem.
> Jiri Sachl ing.

*** Asi si budete muset predem zjistit, ktey balik chcete instalovat.

Jinak man rpm ....

       RPM  includes  a  simple FTP client to simplify installing
       and querying packages which are available over the  inter-
       net.  Package files for install, upgrade, and query opera-
       tions may be specified as an ftp style URL:     


       If the @password portion is omitted, the password will  be
       prompted  for  (once  per user/hostname pair). If both the
       user and password are omitted, anonymous ftp is  used.  In
       all cases passive (PASV) ftp transfers are used.     


                              _______          ____
                              \___   |        |    |
 Jan Havlicek              _      \  |   _     \  /
 Vysoka Skola Ekonomicka  |-|   _\_| |__|_|__O__||__B<
 University of Ekonomics  |-|---| +++     __________|)
 Prague CZ                |-|   | ++  ______________|)
 E-mail HAVLICEK na VSE.CZ |=|_|___|___________________|==|
                           -( + )<>-|-|( + )--( + )--\\\
 Keep smiling            ---------------------------------

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