Jak pouzit outw,inw a gcc

Milan Pikula - WWW www na fornax.elf.stuba.sk
Úterý Leden 20 07:59:50 CET 1998

W>Optimalizaciu ? Ani to nepomohlo ....
W>Pomoze niekto  ?
W>> >/tmp/cca213021.o(.text+0xb3): undefined reference to outw'
W>> >Na kompilaciu som pouzil iba toto: gcc -o program.bin program.c
W>> Nemam tu ted Linux, ale myslim, ze je potreba 
W>> 				    gcc -O -o program.bin program.c
W>> Honza

mno ja by som skor povedal, ze v libc je iba outb a outw sa robi v

 # fgrep outw /usr/include/{,*}/*.h
 /usr/include/asm/io.h: * inb/inw/inl/outb/outw/outl and the "string
 versions" of the same
 /usr/include/asm/io.h:#define outw(val,port) \
 /usr/include/asm/io.h:  __outwc((val),(port)) : \
 /usr/include/asm/io.h:  __outw((val),(port)))
 /usr/include/asm/io.h:#define outw_p(val,port) \
 /usr/include/asm/io.h:  __outwc_p((val),(port)) : \
 /usr/include/asm/io.h:  __outw_p((val),(port)))

na zaciatok zdrojaku navrhujem hodit este #include <asm/io.h>, potom to uz
pojde :)
pozrel som sa este, ktore h-cko ho includuje, ale ziadne relevantne, takze
treba pouzit toto.


             WWW/4CP, Milan Pikula,  www na fornax.elf.stuba.sk
              .. dajte mi pewnu linku a pohnem zemegulow ..

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