t606 to ..

Pavel Machek pavel na elf.ucw.cz
Úterý Červen 23 23:14:28 CEST 1998


>    hledam neco co by prevadelo T602 DOsovske dokumenty do HTML.
> nevite o necem? mam pocit, ze t6022html nekdo
> delal (Honza Hubicka?), ale nikde to nemuhu najit.

Do html nevim, ale do textu to umim: Jestli z toho udelas (nebo
kdokoliv jiny) konvertor do html, budu rad. Jestli to nekdo chce dat
nekam na ftp, budu taky rad.


PS: A hele, to znamena ze jsem mel linux uz 2 roky zpatky... To ten
cas leti...

/* Output from p2c, the Pascal-to-C translator */
/* From input file "6022txt.p" */

/* Convert T-602 File To ASCII
   (c) 1992 MJSoft System Software
            Martin Mares <mj na atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz>
   1996 Converted to C to make it working under linux	
        Pavel Machek <machek na atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

typedef unsigned char Char;
typedef int boolean;

typedef enum {
  Normal, Elite, Condensed
} Fnt;

typedef struct CoR {
  Char name[3];
  void (*proc)( void );
} CoR;

static FILE *i, *o;
static Char s[256];
static long f;
static Char com[3];
static Char Last;
unsigned char c;
static Fnt Font;
static boolean Bold, Underlined, High, Wide, Italic, Big, Upper, Lower;
static Char Tabs[256];
static long PgNr, LineSpacing, PageL, LM, RM, TM, BM;
static Char Header[256], Footer[256];
static boolean PgStat;

static void SetFont(Fnt x) { Font = x; }
static void SwitchStyle(boolean *y) { *y = !*y; }

static long GetNr( void )
  long x, y;

  y = (sscanf(s, "%ld", &x) == 0);
  return x;

static void SetStyle( void ) { }

static void C_W()
  printf("Warning! Command %s is not supported.\n", com);

static void C_M()
  printf("Warning! Mail merge commands ignored!\n");

static void onechar( char c ) { putc( c, o ); }

static void Ignore( void ) 		{ }
static void PageBreak( void )   { onechar( '\f' ); }
static void LeftMargin( void )  { LM = GetNr(); }
static void RightMargin( void ) { RM = GetNr(); }
static void PageLength( void )  { PageL = GetNr(); }
static void SetTabs( void )     { strcpy(Tabs, s); }
static void TopMargin( void )   { TM = GetNr(); }
static void BottMargin( void )  { BM = GetNr(); }
static void SetHeader( void )   { strcpy(Header, s); }
static void SetFooter( void )	{ strcpy(Footer, s); }
static void SetLine( void )	    { LineSpacing = GetNr(); }
static void SetPnr( void )      { PgNr = GetNr(); }
static void OmitPage( void )    { PgStat = 0; }
static void YesPage( void )	    { PgStat = 1; }

#define Cmds            26

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  static CoR Cmd[Cmds] = {
    { "CT", Ignore },
    { "LM", LeftMargin },
    { "RM", RightMargin },
    { "PL", PageLength },
    { "TB", SetTabs },
    { "MT", TopMargin },
    { "MB", BottMargin },
    { "PO", Ignore },
    { "PN", SetPnr },
    { "OP", OmitPage },
    { "LH", SetLine },
    { "HE", SetHeader },
    { "FO", SetFooter },
    { "PA", PageBreak },
    { "PG", YesPage },
    { "PC", C_W },
    { "HM", C_W },
    { "FM", C_W },
    { "CP", C_W },
    { "KP", C_W },
    { "IX", C_W },
    { "PI", C_W },
    { "DF", C_M },
    { "NT", C_M },
    { "SV", C_M },
    { "DV", C_M }

  Font = Normal; Bold = 0; High = 0; Wide = 0; Italic = 0; Underlined = 0; Big = 0;
  Upper = 0; Lower = 0;
  printf("602 to TeXT - 1992 MJSoft System Software\n");
  if (argc<3) 
	printf( "Usage: 6022txt <from> <to>\n" );
	return 10;
  i = fopen( argv[1], "r" );
  if (!i) { printf( "Can not open %s for reading.", argv[1] ); return 9; }
  o = fopen( argv[2], "w" );
  if (!i) { printf( "Can not open %s for writing.", argv[2] ); return 8; }

  Last = '\n';
  while (Last != '\032') 
    fread(&c, 1, 1, i);
    if (Last == '\n' && (c == '.' || c == '@')) 
	  {  /* A command */
      if (!fgets(s, 256, i)) 	
	return 0;
      	char *t;
	if ((t = strchr(s, '\n')))
		*t = 0;
      sprintf(com, "%c%c", toupper(s[0]), toupper(s[1]));
      for (f = 1; f <= Cmds; f++) 
		if (!strcmp(Cmd[f - 1].name, com)) 
		  (Cmd[f - 1].proc) ();
		  goto _Lwen;
      printf("Warning! Unrecognised command %s\n", com);
      c = '\n';
	  if (c >= ' ') 
		if (c == 0x8D) /* onechar( 0x0d ); */;
	              else onechar( c );
		switch (c) {
		  case '\001': SetFont(Elite); break;
		  case '\002': SwitchStyle(&Bold); break;
		  case '\003': SetFont(Condensed); break;
		  case '\004': SwitchStyle(&Italic); break;
		  case '\017': SwitchStyle(&Wide); break;
		  case '\020': SwitchStyle(&High); break;
		  case '\023': SwitchStyle(&Underlined); break;
		  case '\024': SwitchStyle(&Upper); break;
		  case '\026': SwitchStyle(&Lower); break;
		  case '\035': SwitchStyle(&Big); break;
		  case '\015': break;
		  case '\n': onechar( c ); printf( "." ); break;
		  default: printf("Warning! Unknown character: <%12d>\n", c); break;
    Last = c;
  return 0;

/* End. */

I'm really pavel na atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz. 	   Pavel
Look at http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~pavel/ ;-).

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