Problem s nfsd a mountd

Michal Hucik chaky na
Čtvrtek Květen 21 18:38:20 CEST 1998

        potrebuji na svem stroji exportovat nejake adresare pro NFS, ale
zjistil jsem ze tuto sluzbu nejsem schopen spustit a nechapu proc:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs start
Starting NFS services:

rpc.mountd Cannot register service: RPC: Unable to
receive; errno = Connection refused

rpc.nfsd Cannot register service: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection

Do messages se mi zaznamena tohle:

May 21 18:20:55 arrakis mountd[1127]: unable to register (mountd, 1, udp).
May 21 18:20:55 arrakis nfsd[1135]: unable to register (nfsd, 2, udp).

Muzete mi nekdo poradit kde bych mel hledat zadrhel? Diky.

Ahoj -

   "", "mailto:chaky na"

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