
Martin Kotuliak martin_kotuliak na
Úterý Září 29 15:57:30 CEST 1998

>Tohle by mohl byt problem; GNU make z jakychsi zahadnych pricin
>odmita (odmital?) tolerovat, pokud radek s akci zacina posloupnosti
>mezer. Je potreba tam dat tabulator.

Toto je napisane v manuali (nie k GNU,ale k HPUX make:
      lines that begin with a tab are shell commands to be executed to
      update the target (see the Environment section below about SHELL).
      The first line that does not begin with a tab or # begins a new
      definition, macro definition, or include line.  Shell commands can be
      continued across lines by using a <backslash><new-line> sequence.

Ci to nie su tie zahadne priciny :-)   ???

Martin Kotuliak

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