IPSEC (was: Re: Linux (COSA) - CISCO 2501)

Jan Kasprzak kas na informatics.muni.cz
Středa Srpen 25 13:59:49 CEST 1999

hynek na med-tecka-cz.exe wrote:
: On 17 Aug 1999, Jan Kasprzak wrote:
: > 	BTW, k cemu je autentizace na pevne lince? Pokud maji byt stroje
: > opravdu bezpecne proti MITM utoku, je nutne sifrovat cele spojeni
: > (napriklad pres IPSEC nebo CIPE - to druhe Cisco urcite neumi).
: Coz mne vede k otazce, jak je na tom vlastne Linux s podporou IPSEC
: (rekneme s Ciscem na druhe strane) ? Zkousel to tu nekdo?
	CIPE jsem zkousel (Linux-Linux), IPSEC ne (ale existuje
- viz www.kerneli.org).


\ Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas at fi.muni.cz>       http://www.fi.muni.cz/~kas/
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| The case with NT is the most spectacular.  Seems, they have at least two |
| independant teams.  One introduces bugs, another invents workarounds.    |
| Silly bugs are followed by ugly workarounds. 8)       --Alexey Kuznetsov |

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