Vyjadreni MS k Y2K

Michal Weinfurtner weinfurt na securities.cz
Úterý Prosinec 21 12:07:17 CET 1999

> Pokud náhodou narazite na problem, odbornici
> z Microsoft HotLine jsou pripraveni Vam pomoci.....

A to nejen s Windows , cituji z Microsoft stranky :

" *SCO, AIX, and MIPS Linux are supported by Microsoft Technical Support on a
Best Effort Basis

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Michal Weinfurtner
Systems Administrator
Internet Securities, Prague
A Euromoney Institutional Investor Company
Vinohradska 37 , 120 00 Praha 2, Czech republic
Voice: (+420 2) 22 25 43 45; Fax: (+420 2) 22 25 43 44


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