legrace od Microsoft :-))

Pavel Janik ml. Pavel.Janik na inet.cz
Čtvrtek Prosinec 23 09:32:27 CET 1999

   From: Jan Satko <satko na quanto.uniag.sk>
   Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 08:24:26 +0100 (CET)


   > AFAIK fdisk /mbr robi to co ma robit, t.j. prepise 1.cast MBR.
   > Vobec necaha do particii ako pisal pan Malusek.

ještě jednou si přečtěte, co napsal pan Malušek a pochopíte...

SnowWhite:/tmp$ /sbin/fdisk /mbr

Unable to open /mbr

BTW - v konferenci Humorix nyní prošlo následující:

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The Truth About Microsoft Linux
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer, bero na redhat.de
December 22, 1999

Microsoft accidentally revealed some details about the
upcoming top-secret release of Microsoft Linux [Microsoft
is a registered trademark of Microsoft. Linux will be a
registered trademark of Microsoft as soon as the government
accepts the bribes] in an article published on their


It explains how to remove Linux and install an inferior OS.
The article, however, apparently due to incompetence of its
writer, reveals some secrets about Microsoft Linux:

> The partition types used by the Linux and Windows
> operating systems are incompatible

Microsoft has added a very valuable patch to the kernel -
it has removed support for some inferior technologies
(msdos, umsdos, fat, vfat and ntfs filesystems) that
bloated the kernel for quite a while. Thank you, Microsoft.
It's about time someone dared to do this.

> The Linux operating system is generally installed on
> partition type 83 (Linux native) or 82 (Linux swap)

Microsoft Linux introduces another innovative(tm)
technology - the possibility to install the whole system on
a swap partition. The Vast Spy Network informs us that this
is for FUD purposes ("Linux becomes unstable if you use it
with less than 64 GB RAM - it will overwrite arbitrary data
on your harddisk").

> "Superblock" in Linux terminology means that the Linux
> partition should be the active partition

Microsoft Linux introduces a new filesystem that doesn't
need superblocks anymore (and it's not fat or ntfs - they
removed those... Maybe cpmfs?) - but apparently the new
filesystem can't be booted from.

> Remove native, swap and boot partitions used by Linux

Cool - another feature from Microsoft Linux - partition
type boot (type b0). What's it for?
dd if=vmlinux of=/dev/hda1?

> Insert either a bootable floppy disk or a bootable CD-ROM
> for the Linux operating system on your computer, and then
> press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to restart your computer. [...] To
> remove LILO, type fdisk /mbr at the command prompt, and
> then press ENTER.

Well, I just got "Unable to open /mbr" when trying this on
Red Hat Linux - seems Microsoft indeed ported Microsoft
fdisk to Linux! Is it GPL? Where can I download it? And why
would I want to? Microsoft is rather good at throwing up
interesting questions lately.

> Also, Linux recognizes more than 40 different partition
> types

"More than 40" is a nice way to put "about 100 last time I
checked". I wonder if they'll advertise that Windows 2000
can make use of more than 10 kB RAM.

Humorix:      Linux and Open Source(nontm) on a lighter note
Archive:      http://humbolt.nl.linux.org/lists/
Web site:     http://www.i-want-a-website.com/about-linux/
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Pavel Janík ml.
Pavel.Janik na inet.cz

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