SAp na Linuxu

Karel Salavec Karel.Salavec na
Pátek Únor 12 17:57:59 CET 1999

Budtez pozdraveni!

Zajimavost pro priznivce Linuxu:
Uz i u SAPu se objevil dotaz, zda bude implementace na Linux. A odpoved?

  We are really interested in the extremely fast Linux development and
     some people within SAP are strongly supporting the acceptance of
     as official R/3 platform. From a technical point of view a lot of
     seem to support this idea. A new R/3 platform, however, includes
     from seriously interested cusomers) an environment, which enables
     qualified support for production systems.

     Perhaps these preconditions will be realised in the future. Today
     Linux R/3 has the status "Research" for SAP and we apologize for
     providing you with single "unsupported" components on our sapserv

     As there are the NI tools (saprouter, niping) and (as a christmas
     package) the SapGui and the RFC Kit. You find these components
     installation guidelines on the sapserv machines under
     "general/misc/unsupported/linux". We will inform you if further
     components are added.

Podle - rekneme - zakulisnich zprav ma byt cca v pulce roku unsupported
verze k dispozici.


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