webova autentifikace

Michal Safranek safranek na jhrnet.cz
Pondělí Červenec 12 05:27:17 CEST 1999


> .htaccess
> ------------
> AuthName Zadej_heslo
> AuthType Basic
> AuthUserFile .htpasswd
> <Limit GET>
> order allow,deny
> allow from all
> require valid-user
> </Limit>

Toto reseni ma jednu malou chybicku ... kazdy si muze (po autorizaci) stahnout
.htpasswd a .htaccess . Doporucuji pridat do httpd.conf jeste:

<Files .htpasswd>
Order allow,deny
Deny from all

<Files .htaccess>
Order allow,deny
Deny from all

S pozdravem
Name : Michal Safranek <safranek(at)jhrnet.cz>
Descr: admin of *.jhrnet.cz, after-holiday muni student, linuxfan, human being
Motto: Unix is an operating system. Windows is a Nintendo with keyboard.

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