vypinanie PC po shutdowne

Martin Petrak petrak na ns.spsknm.schools.sk
Čtvrtek Červenec 15 21:28:33 CEST 1999

On Thu, 15 Jul 1999, you wrote:

> akosi mi nechce fungovat vypinanie pocitaca po shutdowne. tu je ukazka mojho
> .config cast APM. co mi tam chyba ? V biose je power managment - enabled

Konfiguracia je v poriadku problem bude asi v nasledovnom :

Power off on shutdown 
  Enable the ability to power off the computer after the Linux kernel
  is halted. You will need software (e.g., a suitable version of the
  halt(8) command ("man 8 halt")) to cause the computer to power down.
  Recent versions of the sysvinit package available from
  ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/daemons/init/ (user:
  anonymous) contain support for this ("halt -p" shuts down Linux and
  powers off the computer, if executed from runlevel 0). As with the
  other APM options, this option may not work reliably with some APM
  BIOS implementations.                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

To znamena, ze mas asi starsiu verziu haltu (nepodporuje vypinanie) alebo si
jadro s tvojim BIOSom nerozumie.

S pozdravom
Martin Petra

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