Autentifikacia cez Postgres

Cyril Franko fc282 na
Středa Červenec 28 11:38:21 CEST 1999


v adresari mam takyto .htaccess

SourceCzechCodePageLocal CP1250
Auth_PGhost localhost
Auth_PGport 5432
Auth_PGdatabase hesla
Auth_PGpwd_table users
Auth_PGuid_field meno
Auth_PGpwd_field heslo
Auth_PGpwd_whereclause select heslo from users where adresar='alfa'
AuthName "My Authenticator"
AuthType basic
 require valid-user

na postgrese mam vytvorenu databazu s prislusnou tabulkou a problem je v
tom, ze
 v error logu apacha vyhodi nasledujucu hlasku:
Auth_PGpwd_whereclause takes one argument, an SQL fragement  that can be
attached to the end of a where clause.
a neviem co s tym..

autentifikaciu chcem urobit iba na tie hesla, ktore patria do urcitej

ma to niekto rozbehane ?
pomol by funkcny .htaccess

s pozdravom
Cyril Franko
fc282 na

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