filter s jednym fyz. rozhranim

Brano Zarnovican zarnovican na
Čtvrtek Červen 3 10:04:55 CEST 1999

Dobry den !

Pokusam sa rozjazdit packet filter s jednym fyzickym rozhranim
a kernelom 2.2.x


Problem je v tom, ze ked sa napr. telnetujem z vnutornej siete
na tak tie packety prichadzaju cez interface eth0
a nie eth0:0, ako by som cakal. Rovnako sa spravaju aj odchadzajuce
packety. Tym padom na filtri nedokazem rozlisit co prichadza
z vonku a co z vnutra, pretoze vsetko prichadza cez eth0.

Zaujimave je, ze route vypisuje v poslednom stlpci vzdy eth0, aj ked
mu explicitne poviem, ze vnutornu siet ma routovat cez eth0:0.
Analogicke nastavenie s kernelom 2.0.x to vypisuje spravne.

Pozeral som aj Changes v dokumentacii kernelu a najblizsie k mojmu
problemu som nasiel v Documentation/networking/routing.txt toto:
- New interface addressing paradigm.
  Assignment of address ranges to interface,
  multiple prefixes etc. etc.
  Do not bother, it is compatible with the old one. Moreover:
- You don't need to do "route add aaa.bbb.ccc... eth0" anymore,
  it is done automatically.

A este v man ifconfig:
       Since  kernel  release 2.2 there are no explicit interface
       statistics for alias interfaces  anymore.  The  statistics
       printed for the original address are shared with all alias
       addresses on the same  device.  If  you  want  per-address
       statistics  you  should  add explicit accounting rules for
       the address using the ipchains(8) command.

Vyzera to na iste zmeny pri narabani s aliasmi. Vie mi niekto
poradit co s tym?


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