Squid's htcp_port??

David Hajek david na atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz
Čtvrtek Červen 17 16:45:29 CEST 1999


 mam squid-2.2.STABLE1-1 (to co je defaultne v RH6) a koukam, ze tam jsou
dve na pohled stejne konfiguracni featury. Viz. nasledujici _uryvek_ ze

#  TAG: icp_port
#       The port number where Squid sends and receives ICP requests to
#       and from neighbor caches.  Default is 3130.  To disable use
#       "0".  May be overridden with -u on the command line.
#icp_port 3130

#  TAG: htcp_port
#       The port number where Squid sends and receives ICP requests to
#       and from neighbor caches.  Default is 4827.  To disable use
#       "0".
#htcp_port 4827

Nevite nekdo jaky je mezi nimi rozdil? A predevsim k cemu je dobry ten

Best regards,

David Hajek  
david na atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz                    GSM: +420 603 927227
- Compatible: Gracefully accepts erroneous data from any source.

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