Atapi CD Writer

Radoslav BENDIK bendik na
Čtvrtek Březen 18 14:32:15 CET 1999

On 18 Mar 1999, Jan Ciger wrote:

>   Ma niekto skusenosti s rozbehanim napalovacky Mitsumi CR4801TE v Linux-e ?

Skusenosti nemam, ale podla [1] by mala chodit...

> Je to IDE (ATAPI) typ, mne to robi dost psie kusy. Rozbehol som SCSI
> emulaciu, ale pri pokuse o CD-copy masina stuhne (jadro 2.2.3). Pritom ako
> normalna CD-Rom funguje dobre. Ktore ATAPI vypalovacky su pouzitelne v
> Linuxe ? A s akym softwarom ? Ja pouzivam cdrecord 1.6 a xcdroast z Debianu
> 2.0.

V CD-Writing-HOWTO som nasiel odkaz na 'Unix CD-Writer compatibily list'
([1] - a tam:

          Some users reported conflicts with pre-compiled binaries and
          the 2.2-release. This is a problem of the Linux-kernel.

          + It may go away if you recompile cdrecord so that it adopts to
            the actual values in linux/include/scsi/sg.h. These values
            must be the values of the runing kernel due to the dumb sg
            user interface.

Nebude problem tam? Chodi ti to s 2.0.x? 

	rado b
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