Zaujimavy problem s S3TRIO3D/2X

Jiri Valenta Jiri.Valenta na
Středa Listopad 3 14:44:15 CET 1999

 On Tue, Nov 02, 1999 at 05:50:28PM +0100, Michal Krause wrote:
> Dne 2.11.1999 Jeff Jean napsal
> > Tu s kolegom sme narazili na takyto interesantny problem, ktory bohuzial
> > nevieme vyriesit. Kolega ma grafiku S3TRIO3D/2X AGP. Skusal ju rozchodit pod
> > Red Hat 6.1, ale aj ked ju nakonfiguroval cez Xconfigurator (dal ju ako
> > S3TRIO ale aj ako S3VIRGE (ako to tu uz niekto spominal)), nesla mu. Resp.
> > isla (dokonca aj pri vyssich rozliseniach) ale strasne pomaly. Tak pomaly,
> > ze X-ka nenabehli ani po 10 minutach. Kym sa zobrazi spodna lista v Gnome,
> > prejde 5-6 minut a potom nic. Pritom kompjuter je Celeron 333 + 64MB. Tak ja
> > (a ani on) neviem.

	pardon, trosku ujela ruka jeste:
Q.F18- Is a server for the S3 Trio3D, Trio3D/2X or the S3 Savage3D or the Savage4 available?

XFree86-3.3.5 supports all these chipsets as part of the SVGA server. Please note that S3 Savage3D support was not tested and Savage4
support is currently restricted to Linux and the Intel Platform. 


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