Instalace Linuxu a Window98, pomoc!

Pavel Musil pavlikmusiluj na
Čtvrtek Listopad 18 01:27:55 CET 1999

Prosim, muze mi nekdo poradit jak instalovat RedHat 6.1 na pocitaci s
Windows 98 nainstalovanymi na primarnim diskovem oddilu DOS (FAT32 - 11GB).
Chci Linux nainstalovat na zbyvajici misto (4GB).

Je to mozne nebo budu muset re-instalovat Windows a znova rozdelit hard disk
na oddily.

Kdyz jsem spoustel instalaci RedHatu (custom), program skoncil hned po
kroku, ve kterem jsem se pokousel vytvorit linuxove diskove oddily protoze
jsem nebyl schopen nastavit ten oddil, ktery pripojuje jako "/boot".
Pokousel jsem se o to opetovne, ale bez uspechu. Dokonce i kdyz jsem zkusil
nenastavovat "/boot" oddil a nastavil pouze oddily "/" a "swap", jeden z
nich se nenastavil spravne.

Spravne vytvorit linuxove oddily jsem dokazal pouze kdyz jsem vymazal
(docasne v Disk Druidu) primarni oddil. Pochopitelne jsem pote nepokracoval
v instalaci, protoze to bych si prepsal cely Windows, coz aspon zatim
nehodlam udelat.

Samozrejme jsem se dival do How-to, kde jsem nasel nejake rady ohledne
natahovani Linuxu na pocitaci s Windows, ale vzdy se predpokladal
nainstalovany Linux.

Pokud ma nekdo nejakou predstavu jak to udelat, smerujte ji prosim na:
pavlikmusiluj na
mulis na

Diky moc.

Please, can anyone give me an advice on how to install RedHat 6.1 on a
computer with Windows98 installed on a primary DOS partition FAT32 - 11GB).
I want to get Linux installed on the remaining space n my drive (4GB).

Is that possible or will I have to reinstall Windows and re-partition the
hard drive.

When running the RedHat installation program (custom installation), it
failed right after the step in which I tried to create linux partitions
ecause I was unable to set up the partition to be mounted as "/boot".  tried
to do that repeatedly but with no success. Even when I tried not to reate
the "/boot" partition and did only "/" and "swap" partitions, one f them
would always fail to set up correctly.

I was only able to create all required linux partitions (with Disk Druid) in
the right way only when I deleted the primary FAT32 partition. But,
obviously, I did not continue to install because that would mean rewritting
the whole Windows which I do not intend to do, at least for the time being.

Sure I looked in the How-to pages where I found some workarounds concerning
loading Linux on a Windows computer, but there was always an assumption of
having Linux already installed.

Should anybody have an idea, please direct it to:
pavlikmusiluj na
mulis na

Thanks a lot.

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