XDMCP Broadcast

Corp. yA (Zdenek Pizl) admin na e2.pef.czu.cz
Čtvrtek Listopad 25 17:14:04 CET 1999

Peter Ronai wrote:
> "HANUSIAK, Peter" wrote:
> >
> mna by ale zaujimalo podobne pre Linux. Ako prinutim startx pripnut sa na
> specificky server pre grafiku a ako si dam vylistovat servery ktore to
> momentalne v sieti ponukaju?

man Xserver(1):
Xdmcp Options

X servers that support XDMCP have the following options. See the X
Display Manager Control Protocol specification for more information. 

-query host-name 
Enable XDMCP and send Query packets to the specified host.  

Enable XDMCP and broadcast BroadcastQuery packets to the network. The
first responding display manager will be chosen for the session.  

-indirect host-name 
Enable XDMCP and send IndirectQuery packets to the specified host.  

-port port-num 
Use an alternate port number for XDMCP packets. Must be specified before
any -query, -broadcast or -indirect options.  

-class display-class 
XDMCP has an additional display qualifier used in resource lookup for
display-specific options. This option sets that value, by default it is
ŤMIT-Unspecifiedť (not a very useful value).  

-cookie xdm-auth-bits 
When testing XDM-AUTHENTICATION-1, a private key is shared between the
server and the manager. This option sets the value of that private data
(not that it is very private, being on the command line!).  

-displayID display-id 
Yet another XDMCP specific value, this one allows the display manager to
identify each display so that it can locate the shared key.  

          Zdeněk Pižl, (Corp. yA), http://e2.pef.czu.cz/~xpizl
             mail me only in ISO 8859-2 or in ASCII
         ... what disk do you want to erase today ?? ...

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