jak dostat DNS na disketu Linux router projectu

Jaroslav Lukesh lukesh na seznam.cz
Středa Říjen 13 15:46:52 CEST 1999

>> jak dostat DNS na disketu Linux router projectu?
>> Stáhl jsem si bind.lrp, ale špatně jsem hledal, nenašel jsem nic, jak ho
>> tam dostat (jen jak si vyrobit větší disketu aby se tam vešel)
>> Stačí ho tedy jen nakopírovat na disketu?
>nakopirovat a dopsat do souboru syslinux.cfg na radek append=.....,
>polozka LRP=etc,log,modules,bind


J. Lukesh

>PS: zajimalo by mne, jak dopadnete s "vetsi" disketou....

Hladce to neslo, nakonec je z toho upraveny navod:

Using Linux, try this: 

0. mknod /dev/fd0u1722 b 2 60
1. fdformat /dev/fd0u1722 
2. mkdosfs /dev/fd0u1722 
3. syslinux -s /dev/fd0u1722 (the -s is very important here.) 
	(syslinux je k nalezeni na CD RH5.2 v /misc/src/trees/syslinux-140/
	zkopirovat vse nekam,
	na soubor syslinux (13016 bytes) dat atribut eXecute, kupodivu tam neni,
	pak jej spustit viz vyse)
4. edit syslinux.cfg and find: "boot=/dev/fd0" change that to
5. mcopy linux a: mcopy etc.lrp a: mcopy log.lrp a: 
	mcopy root.lrp a: mcopy modules.lrp a: mcopy syslinux.* a: 
	(add your own packages here) 

A problem with these disks is there is no way to accuratly determine their
For LRP to be able to mount these disks, you must specify the correct size,

IE fd0u1680, fd0u1840, etc. Apparently these disks break sooner as well 
(read errors etc), though I haven't heard of someone who had this problem 
4more frequent then with regular disks (anyone) 

             Jaroslav Lukesh, K-net

      Multimedia, Networking, Communications
              Windows terminals, NC
         computer hardware and software
keep smile :-)

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