Automaticka Odpoved / Automated reply - info na

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Úterý Říjen 19 15:14:13 CEST 1999

(ENGLISH TEXT BELOW - Automated reply from info na

Vazeni zakaznici,

abychom zajistili vcasnost odpovedi na Vase dotazy, snazime se touto automatickou reakci zodpovedet to nejobvyklejsi spektrum problemu. Pokud zde reseni Vasich potizi nenaleznete, zaslete, prosim, otazku na help na

Pro sluzbu plati nasledujici:

- pripojujte se modemem libovolne rychlosti, v pripade 56k se presvedcte, zda Vas modem podporuje protokol V.90
- pripojeni je povoleno na tel. cislech, kde neni zakazana jejich identifikace, cili i pres analogova cisla
- pripojeni na konto VOLny beznym modemem, ISDN pripojeni i pripojeni pres mobilni telefon neni zpoplatneno, jestlize mate dynamicky pridelovanou IP adresu (98% uzivatelu) - platite pouze ucet za telefonni hovory
- pripojeni je neomezene, celodenni; nikoliv pouze vecerni, jak mohlo byt mylne popsano v nekterych mediich
- v nastaveni pripojeni pouzijte DNS,
- poprve se pripojujete pod uzivatelskym jmenem "internet" a heslem "zdarma", na domovske strance "" si v levem sloupci vyberete prislusnou sluzbu a zaregistrujete si ji
- behem 2 minut po odeslani aktivace bude Vase nove uzivatelske jmeno potvrzeno, takze se napriste pripojujte uz pouze pres nej, abyste mohli plne vyuzit svou nove zrizenou sluzbu
- telefonni cisla pro pripojeni jsou ve vsech pripojnych bodech uctovana podle tarifu Internet 99 a je treba je vytacet i s predvolbou, tj. napriklad Praha:0297962060, 0297511144
- nebydlite-li v jednom z mest, kde jsou instalovany nase pripojne body, pripojujte se prosim na nejblizsi jiny; v dohledne dobe se nezamerujeme na zrizovani novych mist, ale na zkvalitneni pristupu ve stavajicich bodech. Tarif I99 pri mezimestskem volani nefunguje, tudiz je ze strany SPT telecom zpoplatnovan jako normalni mezimestsky hovor.
- v nastaveni postovnich programu pouzijte prichozi postovni server "", odchozi postovni server "", diskusni server ""
- pro ftp pristup vstupujte na ftp server "" Vasim pripojnym jmenem a heslem; prostor nelze umistit na NT server a vyuzit Frontpage Extensions, lze ho za poplatek provazat s u nas porizenou domenou druhe urovne ( nebo
- virtualni schranky muzete mit nasmerovany i na konto, navic za kazdou u nas porizenou domenu mate zdarma jednu virtualni schranku bez ohledu na celkovy pocet kont
- sluzbu nemuzete vyuzit k roamingu
- sluzbu nelze vyuzit k zasilani VOLinfa
- konto zanika po jednom mesici bez pouziti; nemusite se pripojit, staci jen overit konto na nasich serverech napr. praci s e-mailem, ap.

Nasi technickou podporu muzete jednak obeslat e-mailem na bezne adrese 'info na' a na adrese 'help na' pro specificke dotazy o, nebo telefonicky na cisle 96251333. V nejblizsich tydnech budeme take pro poskytovat instalacni CD.

Dear customers,

In order to provide a quick answer to your queries, we send this automated reply to most frequented topics. Shouldn't you find asked information among these facts, please mail to help na

Essential information about

- connection via modem of any speed, in case of 56k make sure it's capable of V.90 protocol - connection to VOLny using common modem, ISDN or a mobile phone is free, if you use dynamicaly assigned IP address (98% users) - you pay only phone call fees
- connection is permitted from any phone allowing to detect its number, ie. also from an analog phone
- connection is available 24hrs a day, not only afterwork, as some media may have misinformed
- in network settings enter DNS,
- your initial username is "internet" and initial password is "zdarma", on the homepage "" in leftmost column choose type of service and register
- within 2 minutes after sending your activation your new account will be confirmed, so please connect only under this new username any next time in order to use fully your newly established service
- in all the connection points you may use I99 numbers provided you set them with a city predial included, ie. Prague:0297962060, 0297511144
- long distance calls are charged as normal long distance calls by SPT Telecom, even on I99 numbers
- mail servers: incoming mail server is "", outgoing mail server is "", usenet server is ""
- ftp access: log on the internet and connect to "" using your connection user name and   password. It is not possible to move it to the NT Server and take advantage of Frontpage Extensions, but for a fee, you may bind the webspace with your 2nd level domain bought at us(, 
- you may point virtual mailboxes to a account and you even gain one free virtual mailbox for every domain bought at us regardless of the number of accounts you own
- you can't use the roaming service
- you can't choose sending of VOLinfo
- the account expires after one month of no using; you don't need to connect, just any verifying of the account at our server like working with mail would do
You may contact technical support via our common mail at 'info na' and at 'help na' for specific inquiries or by phone at 96251333. Within the next few weeks we will also provide an instalation CD for

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