
Roka Juraj - Elef roka na valm.sk
Pondělí Září 13 11:12:38 CEST 1999

On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Jan ' Kozo ' Vajda wrote:

> file /etc/timezone: No such file or directory
> neviem odkail mi tie masiny nabrali, ze jedna ma CEST A druha EDT

neviem ako to je v linuxe, ale na solarise mam lrwxrwxrwx   1 root     
root          14 Oct 16  1998 /etc/TIMEZONE -> ./default/init
kde /etc/default/init obsahuje:
# This file is /etc/default/init.  /etc/TIMEZONE is a symlink to this file.
# This file looks like a shell script, but it is not.  To maintain
# compatibility with old versions of /etc/TIMEZONE, some shell constructs
# (i.e., export commands) are allowed in this file, but are ignored.
# Lines of this file should be of the form VAR=value, where VAR is one of
# TZ, LANG, or any of the LC_* environment variables.

v linuxe (podla tzset(3) ) by nieco malo byt v /usr/lib/zoneinfo (ja nic 
take nemam. mozno nemam nainstalovane vsetko a pozno je to distribuciou 

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