zmena UID usera

Petr Simek petrsi na
Čtvrtek Srpen 10 18:16:09 CEST 2000

On Thu, 10 Aug 2000, Mirek Kokrda wrote:

> > to je ale hloupe reseni - kdyz se podivate na man exports, zjistite, ze se
> > daji uzivatele premapovavat... tj. ze proste uid 500 premapujete na 1250.
> Tak to nejak nevidim ... vidim, ze lze premapovat na usera anonymniho,
> ale jak premapovat uid konkretniho usera z 500 na 1250 .... ?

              This  option  enables  static  mapping.  It  specifies the
              name of the file that describes the uid/gid mapping, e.g.


              The file's format looks like this

              # Mapping for client foobar:
              #    remote     local
              uid  0-99       -       # squash these
              uid  100-500    1000    # map 100-500 to 1000-1500
              gid  0-49       -       # squash these
              gid  50-100     700     # map 50-100 to 700-750

viz 'man exports'

> Miroslav Kokrda - Technik sverene spravy  ICZ a.s.

|                          Petr Simek   APS JU                           |
|                             petrsi na                              |

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