Spojeni vice eth do jedne virtualni

Michal Ludvig mic na logix.cz
Úterý Srpen 15 19:34:58 CEST 2000

> Jak se da pod linuxem spojit vice eth rozhrani tak,
> aby se zvetsil prutok.
> Ucel je aby se pres 2 100MB karty
> dosahlo 200MB na jednu IP.

Pouzijte 'Bonding driver support' v konfiuraci kernelu:

 Say 'Y' or 'M' if you wish to be able to 'bond' multiple Ethernet
 Channels together. This is called 'Etherchannel' by Cisco,
 'Trunking' by Sun, and 'Bonding' in Linux.
 If you have two ethernet connections to some other computer, you can
 make them behave like one double speed connection using this driver.
 Naturally, this has to be supported at the other end as well, either
 with a similar Bonding Linux driver, a Cisco 5500 switch or a
 SunTrunking SunSoft driver.
 This is similar to the EQL driver, but it merges Ethernet segments
 instead of serial lines.
Neco podobneho jsme take resili, ale nakonec jsme sli cestou mensiho
odporu a postavili to na gigabitovem ethernetu. 

Michal Ludvig

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