OT - jak na skript pro www server?

Jakub Dadak dadman na brainsys.cz
Středa Únor 9 17:46:02 CET 2000

>Neco se deje, browser ted hlasi Server returned an invalid or unrecognized
>Ale nepomaha to - postaru to bylo takhle:
> - - [09/Feb/2000:13:58:20 GMT] "GET /cgi/aclog.cgi HTTP/1.1"
>500 0
>[09/Feb/2000:13:58:20 GMT] cgi_header: unable to find LFLF

Co takhle vzit telnet a prihlasit se na ten server na port 80
napsat GET /soubor_ke_spusteni HTTP/1.0
a dvakrat stisknout enter a podivat se co z toho leze ?

  ,{(~)~(},       Dadak Jakub             Brain Systems s.r.o.
,( ((~) ){){}     dadman na brainsys.cz      Rybkova 1, Brno 602 00
())~{)}{{}~()}    http://www.dadak.cz     http://www.brainsys.cz
`~^    ^~{()}     Tel. +420 5 41148704    Fax. +420 5 41148852
           ~~     Motto:                  Things are different !

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