Jak cist NSS v Linuxu

Jan Kasprzak kas na informatics.muni.cz
Úterý Únor 15 21:41:43 CET 2000

Pavel Smerk wrote:
: Mame nasledujici zasadni problem. NetWare nam prestal cist disky ve svem
: nativnim formatu (resp. misto 17 GB dat nam ukazuje 0 GB dat na disku).
: Chceme zkusit precist ten disk pod jinym systemem. Dokaze Linux nejakym
: zpusobem cist nativni NetWare disky formatu NSS (NetWare Storage
: Services)? Napr. nejakym patchem/driverem/modulem... Nic nemuzeme najit
: a je to dost zoufale.
	Mam pocit, ze pro 2.3 neco takoveho vyviji Jeff V. Merkey.
Dokonce - pokud si pamatuju - mel neco jako fsck a mkfs pro netwarovske
svazky. Prohledej archiv linux-kernel (www.tux.org/lkml) na maily od neho.
Ja jsem nasel ve svych neprectenych zpravach z l-k treba tohle:


From: "Jeff V. Merkey" <jmerkey na timpanogas.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 12:18:28 -0700
Subject: NetWare Volume IMAGER 1.0 Released/NWFS 2.0.1 Released

The NetWare Volume IMAGER for doing NetWare to Linux server migrations
is available for download  at in \netmig\nwimage.  DOS,
Linux, and Windows NT/2000 versions are all available.  The IMAGER
creates compressed meta files of an entire Linux systems NetWare volumes
and allows system admins an easy way to archive, consolidate, merge, and
restore NetWare volumes under Linux over a network to the same server or
consolidated servers.  The GNU version does NOT compress the image meta
files, but the licensed version does.

This is useful for folks who are migrating large numbers of NetWare
servers to Linux/Windows NT/2000 that need to merge/split/consolidate
server volumes as part of the migration process.  

The LRU bugs are fixed in the NWFS 2.0 drivers (it was a place I was
using down_interruptible when I should have been using down -- the lock
got unlatched allowimg multiple CPUs to corrupt memory when another app
sent a signal).  There's also a new tar.gz with the IMAGER tools and
updates for the file system config tools.  We also discovered a bug with
inactive mirror groups after a mirroring failover, when you tried to
remove invalid mirror members, NWCONFIG would get a segmentation fault. 
This has been fixed.

Jeff Merkey

Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/


\ Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas at fi.muni.cz>       http://www.fi.muni.cz/~kas/
\\ PGP: finger kas at aisa.fi.muni.cz   0D99A7FB206605D7 8B35FCDE05B18A5E //
\\\             Czech Linux Homepage:  http://www.linux.cz/              ///
 Its purely bandwidth.  If it was 40 instances of Miguel reading web pages
flat out over 100baseT you would definitely be right. But its not...  (Alan)

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