The Wife's Birthday

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Neděle Leden 23 21:37:15 CET 2000

Three men were drinking at a bar, a doctor, an attorney and a biker.  As the doctor was drinking his white wine he said, "For her birthday I'm going to buy my wife a fur coat and a diamond ring.  This way if she
doesn't like the fur coat she will still love me because she got a diamond ring."

As the attorney was drinking his martini he said, "For my wife's birthday I'm going to buy her a designer dress and a gold bracelet. This way if she doesn't like the dress she will still love me because
she got the gold bracelet. "

As the biker was drinking his shots of whiskey he said, "I'm going to buy my wife a T-shirt and a vibrator.  This way if she doesn't like the T-shirt she can go fuck herself."


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