WIne 20000227 a LN 4.6

Pavel Kankovsky peak na
Sobota Březen 4 16:55:17 CET 2000

On Fri, 3 Mar 2000, Martin Trcka wrote:

> uz druhy den se trapim s Notesy, ktere bych chtel spoustet pod Wine. Podle
> by to nemel byt zaden problem (nejvyssi rating), nicmene u me
> wine pokazde zhavaruje s temito hlaskami:
> fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler ((nil),0) - no error checking or testing yet
> fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (0x41903ab0,1) - no error checking or testing yet       

A to zkousite spoustet klienta nebo server? (neni mi jasne, proc by klient
-- narozdil od serveru -- blbnul s konzoli a myslim, ze lidi pod Wine spis
spousteji klienta).

--Pavel Kankovsky aka Peak  [ Boycott Microsoft-- ]
"Resistance is futile. Open your source code and prepare for assimilation."

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