Apache 1.3.9-5cs + SSI na user webs

Miroslav BENES mbenes na tenez.cz
Úterý Květen 23 10:04:38 CEST 2000

Preji krasny den !

Mam mensi problem s Apachem (RH 6.1cz). Zkousel jsem pouzit v html 
kodu  prikaz SSI. Konkretne direktivu <!--#include ...--> 
Funguje to dobre ve virtualnich webech, ale neuplatni se, pokud jsou 
stranky na /home/XXX/public_html/...

Nasel jsem v dokumentaci http://www.apache.org/docs/misc/FAQ-F.html#ssi-part-iv
zminku : 

10. SSIs don't work for VirtualHosts and/or user home directories. 

This is almost always due to having some setting in your config file 
that sets "Options Includes" or some other setting for your 
DocumentRoot but not for other directories. If you set it inside a 
Directory section, then that setting will only apply to that 

Jake by melo byt spravne nastaveni ? 

Podle tehoz dokumentu :

7.How do I enable SSI (parsed HTML)? 

 - Make sure your server configuration files have an Options 
directive which permits Includes. 

Tady asi bude kamen urazu. Ostatni weby maji nastaveno :

<Directory /home/httpd>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

Privatni web nema nastaveno nic, ale kdyz je povolim :

<Directory /*/public_html>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

... chova se to stejne - negunguje ! 

Prosim o nakopnuti. Dekuji

Miroslav BENES
E-mail   : mbenes na tenez.cz
TENEZ Chotebor, a.s

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