NumLock v X

Zdeněk Böhm zdenek.bohm na
Pondělí Říjen 16 13:33:19 CEST 2000

> man xset
>        led     The led option controls the keyboard  LEDs.   This
>                controls  the  turning  on or off of one or all of
>                the LEDs.  It accepts an optional integer, a  pre­
>                ceding dash(-) or an 'on/off' flag.  If no parame­
>                ter or the 'on' flag is given, all LEDs are turned
>                on.   If  a  preceding  dash  or the flag 'off' is
>                given, all  LEDs  are  turned  off.   If  a  value
>                between 1 and 32 is given, that LED will be turned
>                on or off depending on the existence of a  preced­
>                ing dash.  A common LED which can be controlled is
>                the `Caps Lock'' LED.  `xset led 3'' would  turn
>                led  #3  on.   `xset  -led 3'' would turn it off.
>                The particular LED values may refer  to  different
>                LEDs on different hardware.

Prominte, ze jsem tak smely, ale jak to pouzit? Zkusil jsem to pustit z
konzoly, lec napsalo to: Unable to open display "", prosel jsem "man xset" a
zkusil tedy "xset -display Mach64 led 3" a ono zase: Unable to open display
"Mach64" (oboji jsem zkousel pri pustenem i vypnutem X), taky jsem zkusil to
soupnout do XF86Setup, ale pak to kvuli tomu nechtelo pustit X-ka. Prosel
jsem "man X", ktery se odkazuje na xset(1), ale nic jineho nerika.
Muzu poprosit o trochu podrobnejsi popis? Dava se to nekam do konfiguraku,
nebo to mam spoustet pri bootu?

Diky Zdenek Bohm

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