Tlac v mozille

Martin Mačok martin.macok na
Pondělí Červenec 9 12:01:35 CEST 2001

On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 09:42:53AM +0200, Marek Blasko wrote:
Content-Description: WARNING.TXT
> Tato sprava obsahuje len stanoviska alebo informacie odosielatela,
> ktore v ziadnom pripade nezakladaju pravny vztah VUJE Trnava, a.s. .
> Stanoviska a informacie uvedene v tejto sprave sa nemusia zhodovat
> s oficialnymi stanoviskami alebo informaciami VUJE Trnava a.s. .
> This message includes only standpoints or information of dispatcher,
> which in no case do not establish legal relationship of VUJE Trnava a.s. .
> Standpoints and information included in this message need not be identical 
> with the official standpoints or information of VUJE Trnava a.s. .

Je opravdu potreba toto posilat do konference?

> mozila (netscape) html -> ps 
> Tak som najuvne myslel ze to bude stacit 
> ogonkify -N | lpr

Misto ogonkify pouzijte

   Martin Mačok

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