Upgrade issue with OpenMotif

Michel Monette mmonette na jetform.com
Pondělí Březen 26 17:23:47 CEST 2001



Linux RedHat 6.0
RPM version 3.0
Oracle 11.5.3
Motif 2.1.30-5

I am trying to upgrade my Motif package from 2.1.30-5 to 2.1.30-6 because -5
does not contain the libXm.so.2 library which is needed for Oracle 11.5.3 to
start its Forms Server. When I try to update the package with the following

rpm -U openmotif-2.1.30-6.rpm

I received the following error:

only packages with major numbers <=3 are support by this version of RPM
error: openmotif-2.1.30-6.rpm cannot be installed.

Has anyone seen this before?


Michel Monette

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