RESENI: Vzhled fontu v KDE2 v distribuci Mandrake 8.0 (delsi)

Radek Vybiral Radek.Vybiral na
Pátek Květen 4 01:05:14 CEST 2001

Dobry a den vsem,

pokud jste instalovali distribuci Mandrake 8.0 s volbou ceske podpory,
a vybrali jste si instalaci "Doporucena", zrejme se stalo, ze vzhled
fontu v grafickem prostredi KDE2 je nepekny, pismo je roztresene atd.

Bohuzel tento stav je pro nektere uzivatele natolik zavazny, ze distribuci
odsoudi bez toho, ze by se pokusili najit reseni.
V soucasne dobe zrejme prevlada mezi uzivateli povedomi, ze kdyz ma
program vselijake vyskakovaci sponky a hezka okynka, ze je pouzitelnejsi
nez jine systemy.

Nasleduje popis reseni, ktere predstavuje zmenu nekolika radku v
konfiguracnim souboru, coz by mel zvladnout kazdy uzivatel. Bohuzel mi
neni v soucasne dobe znamo zadne reseni, ktere by dany problem kompletne
odstranilo. Pridavani fontu do konfiguracniho souboru pro xfs se deje
prostrednictvim jednoho prikazu a nelze mu urcit prioritu, jak maji byt
jednotlive fonty za sebou razeny.

Stav po instalaci, obsah soubor /etc/X11/fs/config:
# Default font server configuration file for Red Hat Linux 6.0

# allow a max of 4 clients to connect to this font server
client-limit = 4

# when a font server reaches its limit, start up a new one
clone-self = off

# alternate font servers for clients to use
#alternate-servers = foo:7101,bar:7102

# where to look for fonts
# Some of these are commented out, i.e. the TrueType and Type1
# directories in /usr/share, because they aren't forced to be
# installed alongside X.
catalogue = /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled,

# in 12 points, decipoints
default-point-size = 120

# 100 x 100 and 75 x 75
default-resolutions = 100,100,75,75

# how to log errors
use-syslog = on

# deferglyphs makes a tremendous usability difference for CJK fonts
deferglyphs = 16


V teto chvili staci pouze zamenit poradi radku s odkazem na fonty tak, aby
prvni byly fonty z kodove stranky ISO-8859-2.

Opraveny config potom vypada asi takto:

# Default font server configuration file for Red Hat Linux 6.0

# allow a max of 4 clients to connect to this font server
client-limit = 4

# when a font server reaches its limit, start up a new one
clone-self = off

# alternate font servers for clients to use
#alternate-servers = foo:7101,bar:7102

# where to look for fonts
# Some of these are commented out, i.e. the TrueType and Type1
# directories in /usr/share, because they aren't forced to be
# installed alongside X.
catalogue = /usr/share/fonts/ISO8859-2/misc:unscaled,

# in 12 points, decipoints
default-point-size = 120

# 100 x 100 and 75 x 75
default-resolutions = 100,100,75,75

# how to log errors
use-syslog = on

# deferglyphs makes a tremendous usability difference for CJK fonts
deferglyphs = 16


Ted by se jiz po odhlaseni z KDE2 a restartu font serveru a XFree serveru
mely zobrazovat ceske fonty dobre.

Budu se snazit, aby se toto reseni objevilo nekde na WWW strankach, zatim
je v provozu URL adresa, ktera obsahuje
preklad tiskoveho prohlaseni, ale v budoucnosti by mela obsahovat dalsi
odkazy a popis deni a stavu kolem distribuce Mandrake.

	Radek Vybiral

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