squid a jmena pocitacu misto IP adres v logu

Karel Dudasek dudasek na vtopu.army.cz
Čtvrtek Říjen 4 08:13:08 CEST 2001

On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, Miroslav Cipel wrote:
> kterym parametrem v squid.conf donutim squida aby do access
> logu zapisoval jmena pocitacu misto IP adres ?
vi /<HOME SQUIDA>/etc/squid.conf
#  TAG: log_fqdn	on|off
#	Turn this on if you wish to log fully qualified domain names
#	in the access.log. To do this Squid does a DNS lookup of all
#	IP's connecting to it. This can (in some situations) increase
#	latency, which makes your cache seem slower for interactive
#	browsing.
#log_fqdn off
                             Karel Dudasek

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