suse 7.1, email aliases / cbq, squid

Matej Cepl ceplma00 na
Úterý Říjen 30 19:28:45 CET 2001

On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 03:51:18PM +0000, David wrote:
> Ale dale bych potreboval (mam u providera 1 email a 5 aliasu),
> aby suse stahl postu a podle hlavicky (co je pred @) ji
> roztridil a pripravil pro dalsi pouziti. pocitace v siti by si
> stahovali postu ze suse pres pop3 anebo cetli pres imap (oboje
> na suse serveru). Takze jde zkratka o to, aby kazdy stahoval
> jen postu, ktera je poslana na jeho alias.

	matej $ cat ~/.fetchmailrc
	# $Id: fetchmailrc,v 1.1 2001/09/10 23:51:18 matej Exp $
	set syslog
	set postmaster "david"
	set bouncemail
	set properties ""
	poll with proto POP3
		user 'honza1' there with password 'heslo1' is honza here
		user 'honza2' there with password 'heslo2' is matej here
		user 'honza3' there with password 'heslo3' is petr here
		user 'honza4' there with password 'heslo4' is jana here
		user 'honza5' there with password 'heslo5' is marie here
	matej $ fetchmail -v

V čem je problém?


Matej Cepl, ceplma00 na
138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
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