sshd a prihlaseni z urcitych adres (bez tcp-wrappers)

jakub urban buba na
Pátek Září 14 13:04:08 CEST 2001

>> snazim se nastavit opensshd-2.5.1 (bez tcp_wrappers), tak aby umoznil
>> pripojeni pouze pro user na host
>> kdyz v sshd_config mam radek
>> AllowUsers user
>> tak se jako user pripojim
>> kdyz tam dam
>> AllowUsers user na host
>   Tohle samozrejme nemuze fungovat... Vy rikate, ze je povolen uzivatel
>   se
> jmenem 'user na host' a ne uzivatel se jmenem 'user' z pocitace 'host'.
> Musite bud dat:
>   AllowUsers user
>   AllowHosts host

AllowHosts je directiva kterou opensshd NEZNA, viz. man pages primo na, kde pisou o AllowHost naledujici


  This keyword can be followed by a list of user names, separated
  by spaces.  If specified, login is allowed only for users names
  that match one of the patterns.  `*' and `?' can be used as wild-
  cards in the patterns.  Only user names are valid; a numerical
  user ID is not recognized.  By default login is allowed regard-
  less of the user name.  If the pattern takes the form USER na HOST
  then USER and HOST are separately checked, restricting logins to
  particular users from particular hosts.

tak si myslim ze, kdyz zadam user na host, tak bych se mel prihlasit jako user
z pocitace host

jakub urban

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