SCSI radic Kouwell

Marek Blasko blasko na
Středa Leden 16 10:34:01 CET 2002

> Kouwell KW-930W, ktery se mi ma dostat do rukou? Ma mit chipset 
> Initio.

no ja mam scsi radic z initio chipsetom (modul initio.o)
som snim velmy spokojny a za dobu co ho pouzivam (3 roky) som
nezanamenal ziaden problem. dalej tieto radice maju certifikat od intelu

> Zajima me srovnani vykonu a stability napr. s adaptecem.

problem zo stabilitou ziadny. vykon z adaptecom, aspon z tym co mam v
praci, zrovnatelni (ta ista instalacia i disk). Ale neberte to doslovne
lebo moja verzia initia je ultra scsi (nastaveni abi siel len fast koli
zrovnavaniu vykonu a preto ze mam len fast scsi zariadenia) a adaptec je
len fast scsi.
najhorsie co vas moze v IT stretnut je:

Manager co o pocitacoch nic nevie, ale podpisuje a schvaluje ich nakup

First they came for the Communists,
     and I didn't speak up,
         because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
     and I didn't speak up,
         because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
     and I didn't speak up,
         because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
     and by that time there was no one
         left to speak up for me.

   by Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945

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