zalezi na poradi?

Martin 'Goran' Moravec goran na
Čtvrtek Leden 17 11:09:57 CET 2002

> Ahoj,
> mam linuxovy server (RH 6.2), ktery ma dve sitovky:
> - prvni je pouzita k pripojeni pres radio  (ma normalni verejnou IP)
> - druha (IP: je prekrizenym twistem spojena s dalsim PC (IP:
> takze Linux je tu jako router.
> vse funguje jak ma, az na to, ze kdyz prvni zapnu server a potom "vnitrni"
> pocitac, nikam se nemuzu dostat :( kdyz ale nejdriv zapnu "vnitrni" pocitac
> a potom server, vse jede jak ma.
> Nevite cim by to mohlo byt?

Mozna, co je zac ten druhy pocitac? (OS)

v prvnim pripade, nefunguje spojeni 
a-> linux<->ven
b-> linux<->interne
c-> ven<->interne

    A novice was trying to fix a broken lisp machine by turning the
power off and on.  Knight, seeing what the student was doing spoke sternly,
"You cannot fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding
of what is going wrong."  Knight turned the machine off and on.  The
machine worked.			
--					Just another form of life

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