RH 7.2 + samba 2.2.2

Miroslav Petricek mirek na petricek.cz
Pátek Leden 18 22:56:01 CET 2002

On Fri, Jan 18, 2002 at 04:17:03PM +0100, Willi Gruber wrote:
> Nevite kde se povaluje nejake RPMko pro RH 7.2 se Sambou 2.2.2?

V rh-rawhide. Sam to pouzivam na zivem serveru.

/*     Miroslav Petricek           mirek na petricek.cz
       Brno, Czech Rep.            ICQ: 56183467
---- http://www.petricek.cz/ --------------------------
    It's entirely untested, but it looks good and
        compiles. Ship it!            - Linus Torvalds               */

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