Document Root a mod_rewrite

Pavel Janík Pavel na
Pondělí Leden 28 17:33:13 CET 2002

   From: "Jirka K." <krata na>
   Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 13:51:46 +0100


   > Pro definovani domovskeho adresare jednotlivych uzivatelu pouzivam
   > mod_rewrite.
   > Rad bych nastavil document root pro jednotlive adresare.

DocumentRoot? Neměl jste na mysli DirectoryIndex? Pokud ano, tak .htaccess.
Pavel Janík

Don't diddle code to make it faster - find a better algorithm.
                  --  The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plaugher)

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