iptables OUTPUT SNAT

Peter Surda shurdeek na panorama.sth.ac.at
Pondělí Leden 28 19:51:52 CET 2002

On Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 12:09:16PM +0100, Ladislav Kaderják wrote:
> je mozne robit SNAT pre OUTPUT chain ?
> mam totiz problem s ktorym si neviem rady
> root# iptables -A OUTPUT -t nat -d  -j SNAT --to-source=
> iptables: Invalid argument
>           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ postrouting ide output nie
to sa nerobi iptablesom ale route-om priblizne:

ip route add src

ked to cut&paste-nes tak to asi nepojde, musis sa na to pozret trocha


Peter Surda (Shurdeek) <shurdeek na panorama.sth.ac.at>, ICQ 10236103, +436505122023

   If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box crashed...
                ...Oh, wait a minute, he already does.
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