OT: vim

Michal Špaček skim na deltaes.cz
Úterý Červen 4 15:26:07 CEST 2002

On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 02:51:14PM +0200, Pavel Lisy wrote:
> Nevite nekdo jak se ve vimu nastavi, aby se pri otevirani souboru
> skocilo na naposledy editovane misto, nejak to v dokumentaci nemohu
> najit.
z /usr/share/vim/vim58/macros/vimrc

" Only do this part when compiled with support for autocommands
if has("autocmd")
  " In text files, always limit the width of text to 78 characters
  autocmd BufRead *.txt set tw=78
  " When editing a file, always jump to the last cursor position
  autocmd BufReadPost * if line("'\"") | exe "'\"" | endif


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